Things Witches Say

There’s wax on the cat.


  1. Daven says:

    “Will the garlic cakes harm the feral neighborhood cats?”

  2. deblipp says:

    Definite feline theme.

  3. Evn says:

    “Will you take me to run errands? I need a double-action reversing candle and a statue of the Virgin Mary.”

  4. deblipp says:

    Double-action reversing candle?


  5. ” Cats name ” Stay off the altar and away from the cauldron!!!
    ” Cats Name ” STOP DRINKING WEST!!!
    “cats name” stop attacking my feet while I am casting the circle !!
    ” cats name” Fine!!!!! you can lay there and be south then

    ( ok “cats name” because I have 4 and they have all done these things …)

  6. Said mentally to self while standing in front of supermarket spice isle…

    “Vervain, Vervain… why don’t they have vervain?!?”

  7. deblipp says:

    You guys crack my shit up.

  8. Roberta says:

    Cats name” STOP DRINKING WEST most certainly cracked my shit up.

  9. Roberta says:

    Only in a perfect world, there would be apostrophe marks at the beginning. there. of that sentence.

  10. Evn says:


    Eh, just a big name for a two-colored candle. But “Two-Colored Candle” doesn’t sound particularly potent.

  11. Q – “So I am trying to figure out how to magickally deal with those really horrible people at work I told you about.”

    A – “I guess you could try visualizing a banishing pentegram on their foreheads.”

    Q – “As bad as they are I don’t know if that will be enough! What about visualizing plunging my athame into their eye sockets!?!”

    A – blink, blink “Uh, Well…., I’m ~pretty sure~ that THAT crosses right over the line!”

  12. “…. and THATS why I always keep a fire extinguisher on or near my Altar!”

    _ I seriously considered this after accidentally setting a bessom style broom on fire in my bedroom during Circle one night. nothing like a little terrified panic to raise energy though!_

  13. Paula says:

    Don’t look in the libation bowl….
    i TOLD you NOT to look in the libation bowl!


    watch out you don’t burn your buttcheeks when going around the altar!

  14. Evn says:

    “The pig’s going after the ritual cookies.”

    [Ed. note: an actual pig. Hooves and whatnot.]

  15. Barbs says:

    At one ritual, (i use a tablecloth on the altar) a form rose up under the cloth and started knocking over things, I took the Penticle and smacked it. no demon, just the cat…

  16. deblipp says:

    Pax and Paula have totally revealed themselves to be unfamiliar with Elements of Ritual! 😀 First, I very specifically say to always keep a fire extinguisher near the altar! Second, I recommend a chip-n-dip for a libation bowl. Put the wine in the “chip” section and the cakes in the “dip” section, and never again will you have to say “Don’t look in the libation bowl.”

  17. “don’t burn your butt cheeks when going round the Altar.”…

    There has GOT to be a filk-song in there somewhere!

  18. Paula says:

    OoOoOo I’m sure we could come up with something if we really wanted to.

  19. Something in a Country and Western filk perhaps?!? Somehow in my minds ear I can hear it being sung with that 50’s country western twang?

    “Don’t Burn Your Buttcheeks Goin’ Round the Altar Toniiiiight…” ???

  20. Said to a friend after ones third or fourth Pagan community event….

    “Just how many Ravens, Pheonix’s, and Wolfs, are there around here anyways!? Is no ones power animal the vole or what?!”

  21. Paula says:

    Geoffrey, I go with a seal myself (Selkie)…

  22. Paula says:

    Now, as far as a song goes….
    Why don’t you get in touch with me “backchannel”….

    see what we can bounce around without irritating everyone.


  23. taijiya says:

    Around here, it’s usually some variation of:

    “::Cat’s Name::, that ::ritual tool:: is NOT a cat toy!”

  24. deblipp says:

    Do your cats call quarters? Watusi used to call quarters.

  25. Paula says:

    When we do circles upstairs, Lucy waits until everyone settles down for cakes & wine. Then she’ll come in & hang out. Molly will on occasion.

    My sweet little orange boy, Arthur, LOVED hanging out in circle. He was an attention hog. (Sigh) I miss him.

  26. Cosette says:

    So I was talking to Rowan to about this…no, not that Rowan….no, not that Rowan either, the one that lives in California…no, no, not that Rowan…

    But anyway, y’all are cracking me up.

    Like Pax, I get frustrated when the supermarket doesn’t have what I’m looking for. Intellectually, I realize supermarkets don’t carry vervain and “double-action reversing candle,” but it still bugs me.

    By the way Deb, I like the wine in the dip section and the cakes in the chip section. And sugar tongs for handling hot charcoal? Brilliant!

  27. deblipp says:

    Tell you a secret, when I first saw the antique sugar tongs, I didn’t know what they were for. I never saw them growing up. They looked like they were made for using on an altar with charcoals; I found out later what they were.

  28. Roberta says:

    Things only witches say:

    So I was talking to Rowan to about this…no, not that Rowan….no, not that Rowan either, the one that lives in California…no, no, not that Rowan…

  29. Thanks for the offer Paula, but I just don’t know enough of the songs out there to riff off of them.

    I did come up with a fun Filk at my blog check it out and let me know what y’all think!

    Deborah, Thanks for this topic line btw and for encouraging Mirth!


  30. taijiya says:

    We used to have a bluecream Persian named Safira, and the very first circle she was in, when it came time to call quarters, she got up from her spot beneath the altar, led me to the east, and sat down–then proceeded to lead me around the circle to each point, and back to the altar at the end. We were all “WTFdidshejustdo” after that! The current crop all enjoy ritual, but can’t be bothered to go to that much effort (though Fergus will reach up and snatch certain Items–you can probably guess which ones–off the altar and take off with them if you don’t watch him closely).

  31. deblipp says:

    Very impressive. Watusi didn’t lead; she followed you to each quarter and sat at your feet. It was still pretty cool.

  32. Evn says:

    I realize supermarkets don’t carry vervain and “double-action reversing candle,” but it still bugs me.

    In South Texas they do.

    Well, maybe not the vervain, but definitely the candles.

  33. […] The non-witches among us will be astonished by how much joy this brings.  But any pagan worth their salt has spent hours cleaning wax out of candle holders.  And the carpet. And the cat. […]