Friday Catblogging: My Mornings

Here is Mighty Mingo, waiting for me to come out of the shower so he can get in my face. Or lick up the shower water. Whatever.

Bathroom patrol

And here is Fraidy Fanty, hiding under the bed.

Pleez don’t make me come out!


  1. taijiya says:

    My Fergus does the shower thing, too. If I take too long, he’ll start clawing at the glass door to hurry me up.

  2. Evn says:

    Sophie just licks up shower water. As in, gallons of it, like she has a secret addiction to Irish Spring residue.

    Freakin’ ew.

    I used to try to stop her. Now I just gag and go on with my grooming.

  3. deblipp says:

    Evn, I know, I think he likes my body odor residue. Which, what the fuck?

  4. Paula says:

    heehee….had a friend who said her cat liked to go in the tub after the bathwater drained so it could drink the “skin tea”