Serenity Sequel?

Moviehole is reporting that there’s a possibility of a Serenity sequel, perhaps direct-to-DVD.

When Alan Tudyk told me on the phone this morning that a sequel to “Serenity” – that’s the name of the “Firefly” movie for those who’ve been up at Guantanamo Bay for the past couple of years – could be happening I just about dropped the phone (I didn’t though, because the last time I did that it landed in the loo. Fried itself. And as a consequence, I lost all my numbers.) Tudyk says the newly-released “Serenity : Special Edition“ DVD has been selling so hot, that there’s talk in doing another movie.

“They had to put [the new DVD] out because they’ve been selling out of the other one and so Universal’s like ‘So, let’s do another one’. And now… there’s now a chance there’s going to be another movie”.

Tudyk agrees that even if it was a direct-to-DVD movie, it’d still be worthwhile. Especially since the whole DVD sequel is a big trend.

“It really is”, says Tudyk. “Everybody in the Firefly crew – and that includes the ones who died in the movie – are excited about the prospect of doing another”.

Yes, yes, yes! I’d totally drop my phone in the loo for that!

h/t to Whedonesque.


  1. Dawa Lhamo says:

    Including the ones who died? How would that work? ZOMGs! I’d hope for a theatre release myself. Just so I could dress up to see it on opening night, you know. ^_^

  2. deblipp says:

    ZOMGs is right! I assume that the dead peeps would be in flashbacks, a lá “Out of Gas.”

  3. deblipp says:

    Ooh, if it’s a flashback, we might see The Mustache!

  4. TehipiteTom says:

    I don’t have a cell phone, but I would happily drop someone else’s in the toilet. 😉

    And yes, while I don’t want to get my hopes up (we’ve been hurt before)…that would be awesome.

  5. Evn says:

    I assume that the dead peeps would be in flashbacks

    Or… what if they didn’t actually die?

    (And I freely admit that I may be confusing the Marvel Comics Universe with the Whedonverse with that statement, but still, it could happen. Hey, Buffy died twice, right? She even sang about it…)

  6. deblipp says:

    So completely no way, Evn. I mean, both of those people were not merely dead, but really most sincerely dead. One had a big hole through him.

  7. Evn says:

    Okay, big holes are hard to bounce back from. But it could happen. I mean, Jean Grey blew herself up with a laser cannon, and she still managed to reappear a decade later.

    (resolutely refusing to stop confusing my multiverses)

  8. Amy says:

    The second time, Buffy was seriously dead, too. Angel was dead and in Hell until the Powers That Be restored him. Darla not only came back from the dead, but Wolfram and Hart restored her as a real living human. Anya got stabbed through the chest with a sword and did not die, while Warren was flayed and…your going to have to read the Season 8 comics to find out what happened after that.

    I’m not actually in favor of bending the rules of mortality in this case, no matter how much I love the dead folks of “Firefly,” but no one stays dead for Joss.

  9. Amy says:

    *you’re, not “your.”

    Silly typo.