D Trivia: All Solved

Great job, everyone.

1. The scientists decide the cafe owner is okay because she refuses to keep coffee in the freezer.
Dante’s Peak
Solved by Ken (comment #12).

2. A character in this movie has rings that mimic tattoos from a 1955 movie. These tattoos are also mimicked in a 1975 movie.
Do the Right Thing
Solved by Melville (comment #1).

3. “I don’t think you fully understand, _______. You’ve been murdered.”
D.O.A. (1950)
Solved by Evn (comment #11).

4. Person 1: “So what country do you want to go to?”
Person 2: “Wyoming.”
Person 1: “___, Wyoming’s not a country.”
Dog Day Afternoon
Solved by Melville (comment #1).

5. Based on a famous book with a cult following and numerous sequels. Critically-acclaimed director. Rock star as one of the villains. Bad movie.
Solved by Roberta (comment #3).

6. “I never gave a ticket to a nun before. I gave a ticket to a guy from the IRS one time.”
Dead Man Walking
Solved by Anthony Cartouche (comment #10).

7. Neither Humphrey Bogart nor Ronald Reagan get the girl.
Dark Victory
Solved by Melville (comment #1).

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