
For the second time, foreign rights to one of my books have been sold. The Elements of Ritual will be published in Poland. In Polish.

Sooo cool.


  1. Cosette says:

    Congrats! What other languages do you come in? LOL. Try for Spanish. We need more quality Wicca books in Spanish.

  2. deblipp says:

    Foreign rights fall out of the sky; a foreign publisher asks for permission. Now Spanish in the U.S. is entirely within Llewellyn’s own power, since they have a Spanish-language division. If people write to them and request it, that could have an influence.

  3. Evn says:

    Podstawy od Rytua?! Great news!

  4. Roberta says:


    (I think.)

  5. Bridgette says:

    Thank you! I feel my ansisters need this! Nostrovia!