Happy Spring Equinox

Today is the Vernal Equinox, sometimes known as Ostara among Pagans, or, more often, simply as Spring Equinox.

It is a day for early planting, for celebrating new life. Eggs, bunnies, flowers, and bright colors are all associated with this day. In the Northeast, where I live, it is an excellent day for planting green peas, which are harvested in early summer, and for starting seedlings indoors to transplant in late May.

The Christian holiday of Easter bears a connection to this celebration, and so does the Jewish holiday of Purim (whose heroine is Esther, another Ostara/Oestre/Ishtar cognate).


  1. konagod says:

    It would be a joyous time — if only I’d remained a hermit and not gone to the grocery store. It’s too bad Easter has to get in the way of something so natural. 😆

    Sorry, but I’m suppressing a rant of great magnitude. What is it about celebrations and conspicuous consumption that drives me far beyond the edge?

  2. deblipp says:

    Well, I had to go to the supermarket today (out of coffee) and it was hell, but I can’t say I agree about conspicuous consumption.

    Feasting is one of the most ancient and universal forms of celebration. To eat together, to feel satiated together, is enormously convivial and warm. Food is comfort, safety, security, and of course love. Plus it feels good. To share it is not to be conspicuous, but to celebrate.

  3. […] night I attended a perfectly lovely spring equinox ritual. Good connections and strong magical work and big strong […]