Ten Things I Love About My Body

Pagan author Dianne Sylvan asks us to list ten things we love about our bodies. Great idea.

1. I love my beautiful long neck. I can wear super-long earrings that would thwack most people in the shoulders, but on me they dangle above the shoulders. It is truly swan-like and I love it.

2. I love my big brown eyes. The neck and the eyes are typical Taurean traits, although surely I might have ended up with the fat bull-neck that Taurus sometimes has, and sleepy-brown rather than deep-brown eyes.

3. I love being busty. I don’t think these are necessarily the two best large breasts ever, but I love having an ample chest, overflowing the bra, all that. I feel stupidly proud of it (as if I had something to do with it!).

4. I have great teeth. My gums don’t recede or bleed, I’ve never had a root canal, I can eat ice cream without pain, they’re fairly white, and in excellent working order. Thank you, Mom, for drinking plenty of milk during pregnancy.

5. I have always gotten compliments on my skin. This one is kind of harder, because I notice the flaws, I notice when a pimple shows up, whereas others notice a generally flawless complexion with tiny pores. But I love the compliments, and I also adore the way my skin looks with some makeup on. (Man, do I love foundation!)

6. When I was in the hospital with a broken knee, the nurse praised me for having terrific upper body strength. I was able to use the overheard bar to move myself without any difficulty, and this was a huge help throughout my recovery. I was never complimented on my strength before. It made me feel good about myself; I’d previously thought I was so wimpy. So I love my upper body strength.

7. Speaking of being in the hospital, I really do love my scars. They’re awful and horrific and I love them. I love their strangeness and their inherent storytelling. I love the way they stop and say, my body is not just a picture of a body, it’s lived experience and it shows change.

8. And speaking of change, I love my tattoos. I have been changing my body consciously with tattooing for 25 years. I have no intention of ever stopping. My artwork is a part of me that is beautiful, special, unique, creative, and interacts with the world.

9. I love my full lips. Someone once told me I had the lips of a Victoria’s Secret model. That was cool.

10. I love my immune system. This has been a kickass season for me with getting sick, but generally I don’t get sick much, and when I do, I don’t get it as badly as other people with the same cold or flu or whatever. I feel fully capable of fighting off whatever hits me. That’s a good feeling.

Your turn.


  1. maurinsky says:

    This is probably a very good exercise.

    1. I have nice legs, they are well shaped and long, proportional to my body.

    2. My feet are beautiful, there are no parts that stick out and the my big toe is bigger than the second toe and so on.

    3. I love my breasts. They are kind of sexy.

    4. I love my pale, freckled skin, which is smooth and soft.

    I’ve run out. There is nothing else that I legimately LOVE about my body.

  2. deblipp says:

    So I guess that’s your project, Maurinsky. find six more things to love about your body. That could be a transformative exercise!

  3. Ken says:

    My turn…. Ten things I love about your body…….

    Well, you know I had to go for the cheap joke, right…… 😉

  4. Tracy says:

    7 Things I love about my body:

    1. Thanks to my Mom’s great genes I look younger than my almost 49 years.

    2. I love my abs. When I’m working out really hard and they start peaking, I can pretty much get a six-pack out of them.

    3. I love my eyes, just because they’re green.

    4. I love my eyelashes, because they are naturally long.

    5. I love my feet. They are delicate, like a dancers.

    6. I love my hair. Although the color isn’t totally mine, it’s healthy.

    7. I love my stamina. I can kick some serious ass on the dance floor.

    Is that it? Yep…it is 🙂

  5. Roberta Lipp says:

    You should check the spelling of the title.

  6. […] by Roberta Lipp on March 9, 2008 Deb did it, and I think it’s a wonderful exercise. That I’ve been avoiding. I will impose on […]

  7. deblipp says:

    LOL @ my typo. I’ll fix.