AFI Trivia: All solved

The mystery of the lost television trivia is not solved. The AFI Top 100 Trivia is.

1. He’s coming dangerously close to having the amount of money he promised his fiancĂ© he’d raise before marrying her, but he’s in love with someone else.
Swing Time
Solved by Hazel (comment #12).

2. The little girl videotaped herself before her mother killed her.
The Sixth Sense
Solved by Susan of Texas (comment #3) and Roberta (comment #5): TIE

3. “Shut up and deal.”
The Apartment
Solved by Melville (comment #1).

4. Hal Holbrook in a dark parking garage.
All the President’s Men
Solved by Melville (comment #1).

5. “Dear, what is your first name?”
The African Queen
Solved by Susan of Texas (comment #3) and John Calligy (comment #6) TIE.

6. A British reporter wandering through a huge bus lot, narrating into a tape recorder.
Solved by Melville (comment #1).

7. Drunk, she insists on calling him “Professor,” although he asks her to stop.
The Philadelphia Story
Solved by Hogan (comment #2).

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