What’s wrong with this picture?

My friend just had triple bypass surgery. He lives alone and has no family locally. He was discharged yesterday; probably too soon medically, but insurance companies are rat bastards.

So anyway, I brought him groceries and made him dinner. First night home from the hospital, I figured he’d be weak and needy and it felt good to be helpful.

So I discussed with him what he was eating and what he liked, and then I went to the store, and got him so breakfast muffins (I checked the fat and sodium on everything), some grape tomatoes, a thing of cantalope chunks, a variety of low-sodium canned soups, a couple of different juices, a think of cleaning wipes so he could clean up without staying on his feet too long, and a package of chicken breasts. (I grilled up the chicken when I got to his apartment, gave him a small piece of chicken with some tomatoes and melon for dinner, and refrigerated the rest of the cooked chicken.) So, you could say they were heart-healthy groceries.

Now, doing his shopping meant skipping my own shopping, so I quick grabbed a couple of things that we needed. So in a separate bag were Coke, donuts, and bacon.

Seriously. The anti-heart groceries. Fuck you, heart!

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