Mystic Wicks Interview

I have an interview in Mystic Wicks Magazine that just went up. I did the interview several months ago—after October ’07 (because it mentions Basket of Kisses, which was founded then) and before March ’08 (because I say Arthur is 17, and he turned 18 in March). I just re-read it, because I’d honestly forgotten about it, and hey, it’s pretty good.


  1. Ben Gruagach says:

    Hi Deb.

    You are a great interviewee.

    The interview was actually posted a few months back at but they are switching all the content over to a new content-management-system (hence the “beta” in the URL) with the hopes it will be easier to use for the online magazine. Your interview was posted to the new system as part of a back issue recently copied over.

    It is a great interview and deserves to be widely read. I hope you get more sales of your books as a result too!

  2. deblipp says:

    Thank you Ben. That’s so nice to hear.