Friday Catblogging: It’s Fanty!

Fanty hides from the camera. She hides when people move around. So if I move around, or someone else does, to get the camera, BOING!

But the other thing about Fanty is that she longs to be petted. She shoves her head into my hand. she is a violent attack snuggler.

So when Arthur came in (at my behest) to take her picture, I coaxed her out from under the bed with promise of petting, and then I did one of her favorite things: Grabbed the scruff of her neck:

Grabbing Fanty


  1. Paula says:

    S & M kitty!
    Does she like her butt spanked? (I personally know some kitties that do…)

  2. Tracy says:

    The thing is, she actually seems to enjoy it. A lot! I’m guess it may be a “back to her kittenhood” sort of thing.

    If she doesn’t, it might explain the mouse in the toilet! 🙂

  3. konagod says:

    Awwwww, poor Fanty. I have a camera-shy kitty. As long as I’m not moving to quickly she’s fine. I am trying to get a photo of her left paw. She’s a polydactyl with the extra “finger” and her extra claw grows in a circle and looks like a button. When she’s relaxed and on me I can usually touch it. But I’m not having much luck yet getting a photo. That’s going to be a major challenge.

  4. Tracy says:

    I love polydactyls. As if cat’s paws aren’t cute enough…they had to add an extra toe!