Friday Catblogging: Strange Things Mingo Does

Mingo loves plastic bags.

Cat on Bag on Chair

Cat on Bag on Chair

This may look like a cat on a chair. It is not. It is a cat having a love affair with a plastic bag that happens to be on a chair. Soon he will begin to suck and chew it.

Frickin ew.

On the top stair

On the top stair

When not chewing plastic bags, Mingo likes to dare me to step over him at the top of the stairs.


  1. hc says:

    At least he just sucks & chews them.

    The Gentleman Bastard eats the handles off.

    DoNotWant to follow that act in the morning.

  2. paula says:

    Our old cat Devil (it was a personality name….) LOVED plastic bags. You had to make sure they were put behind doors when you finished unloading. If not, she would find & EAT the damn things. You would find it in her poop. I never understood how she managed to NOT kill herself.
    When it was obvious that her days were coming to an end, we would allow her, under supervision, to sit & gnaw (but not eat) a bag. Hey, it was something she adored. What can i say?

    Our current kitty, Lucy, seems to be terrified of plastic bags when you open them, but by god, when there’s something she has to have, like a straw or a paper towel, she’ll stuff her head right in the bag to get what she wants!

  3. Tracy says:

    My cats do this too. It’s weird isn’t it? What’s the attraction, I wonder? The plastic has no taste, I can’t imagine that it smells like anything….but, well plastic. I can’t even imagine a sensation in their little “cat world” that would resemble chewing, sucking or eating plastic.

    Cats are definitely an enigma unto themselves.