I’m back

I’m kind of exhausted. I had a great time. The people in Louisville are awesome. Gaia’s Spiral (formerly Widdershins) is a great shop with gorgeous handcrafts, art, and ritual objects, and very few books. But lots of MY books. I did readings and talks and then I went to Louisville Pagan Pride and did four million readings. Four. Million. And then there was a party and it’s true what they say about Kentucky and bourbon. Like wow.

So I promise that blogging will resume. I have a movie to review but it might not go up until much later today.


  1. melissa says:

    What? That bourbon burns when shot forcibly out the nose?

  2. Deborah Lipp says:

    When snorted through the nose.

  3. Joshua says:

    Y’all come back, y’heah?

    (This is really silly in dialect when you know I have anything but a Kentucky accent.)

    Seriously, we enjoyed the visit and hope you come back.

    Chag Same’ach; don’t forget to bring the challah tonight. May you be inscribed and sealed for a good, sweet year.

  4. Deborah Lipp says:

    I brought challah & asparagus. It was a good night. L’shana tova.