Post-holiday trivia round-robin

I only watched one movie last week, and that was yesterday. I hoped to watch and then review, but I dunno, I didn’t get it, really. Next week.

Since we’re all back to work or school, and we haven’t been talking much lately, I’m opening the trivia to the free-for-all format. First person to solve the question gets to post the next question.

The plot centers around a woman having an affair with a married man, except he’s keeping a secret: He’s not really married.


  1. Melville says:

    Is it Indiscreet?

  2. Melville says:

    O.K., next question:

    Who is the only movie character to win two Oscars, i.e. both times he (or she) was portrayed, the performer playing him/her won the Academy Award.

  3. Melville says:

    Hint: It was two different performers in the role.

  4. Evn says:

    Queen Elizabeth I?

  5. Melville says:

    Second hint: It’s a male.

    I was surprised to find out that Elizabeth I wasn’t even “nominated” until fairly recently: Cate Blanchett in “Elizabeth” and Judi Dench (who won) in “Shakespeare in Love.” But not Bette Davis or Glenda Jackson (though Jackson won an Emmy for playing her.)

  6. Melville says:

    Vito Corleone is correct! Marlon Brando, then Robert DeNiro.

  7. Melville says:


  8. Melville says:

    The site is being hinky with my posts. Evn is correct.

  9. Deborah Lipp says:

    I don’t know why you ended up in the spam queue again. I’ll keep my eye on it.

    Evn, you’re up!

  10. Evn says:

    Since I’ve got royalty on the brain now…

    “Do you think an old queen’s capable of raising a child?”

    “Well, Elizabeth did a pretty good job. Prince Charles is a wonderful boy.”

    “Edward’s still a bit of a worry.”

  11. Evn says:


    “No more fucking ABBA.”

  12. Steve H. says:

    It’s not To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar”, is it?

  13. Evn says:

    It’s not. But close.

  14. Hogan says:

    Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert?

  15. Hogan says:

    A: “What’s up with that?”
    B: “I slit my wrists.”
    C: “What’d you do it with?”
    B: “A–a kitchen knife.”
    C: “You even did it the right way.”
    B: “Yeah . . . ”
    A: “PUNK ROCK! Let’s go.”
    D: “The right way? How do you know the right way?”
    C: “Shut up, Rochelle.”
    D: “Well how do you know?”

  16. Hogan says:

    And the lady/gentleman/genderless elemental wins another cigar.

  17. Evn says:

    After he catches her snooping in his apartment, she puts a curse on his telephone.

  18. Deborah Lipp says:

    Bell, Book & Candle? (Don’t remember this scene, but it sounds kinda Jack Lemmonesque.)

  19. Evn says:

    You are correct! It was one of the opening scenes between Aunt Queenie and Shep, although in the stage version, Nicky (played by Jack Lemmon in the film) does the cursing.

  20. Deborah Lipp says:

    Here you are: The same actor, the same character, two very different movies some years apart (NOT sequels). Each performance Oscar-nominated, neither won.

  21. Melville says:

    Peter O’Toole as Henry II, first in Becket, then in The Lion in Winter.

  22. Melville says:

    Name the actress who played the romantic interest to a time traveler in two completely unrelated movies.

  23. Melville says:

    Rachel Weisz waasn’t who I was thinking of. What movies?

  24. Evn says:

    Or Jane Seymour?

  25. Deborah Lipp says:

    It was more by way of a guess. You know, like “The Fountain and some other movie I haven’t seen but maybe exists.”

  26. Evn says:

    And I was thinking “Somewhere in Time, and that other movie where she dates that guy.”

  27. Melville says:

    Oh, then no on Rachel Weisz. And no on Jane Seymour. Unless anyone knows of another time-travel movie they were the love interest in.

  28. Deborah Lipp says:

    I don’t actually think I know that many time travel movies. This appears to be not my favorite sub-genre. Who knew?

  29. Hogan says:

    Mary Steenburgen was in Time After Time and Back to the Future Part III. She’s a longtime romantic interest of mine as well.

  30. Melville says:

    Hint: One of the films isn’t well-remembered (I don’t think it was a hit even when it released), but the other was part of an enormously successful multi-part film franchise.

  31. Melville says:

    Hogan’s got it!

  32. Deborah Lipp says:

    Time After Time has been on my list of films to watch FOREVER.

  33. Melville says:

    ^It’s definitely worth seeing.

    Oh, and Hogan has excellent taste in romantic interests. 🙂

  34. Hogan says:

    Actress who in a ten-year span played a murderer, a murderer for hire, a woman falsely accused of murder, and a private detective investigating a murder.

    This shouldn’t take long.

  35. Hazel says:

    Kathleen Turner!

  36. Hogan says:

    And Hazel takes it to the hoop.

  37. Hazel says:

    This actress has played an engineer, an astronomer and a nun.

  38. Deborah Lipp says:

    That sounds like Jodie Foster; Secret Lives of Altar Boys & Contact; not sure about the engineer.

  39. George says:

    She’s an engineer in “Flightplan.”

  40. Hazel says:

    Deborah and George have it. I don’t know who gets to ask the next question though…

  41. George says:

    Deborah actually got the answer: I just cleaned up. It’s all hers.

  42. Deborah Lipp says:

    Ho ho! I got it!

    This actor was hired to play a small role as the brother of a lead character. Eventually he ended up playing both brothers. The script was changed for them to be twins, although this was never mentioned in the movie.