In gratitude

Thanksgiving at its heart is gratitude for food on the table.

How easy to forget, if we are not farmers or animal herders, that this is not easy to achieve. If we are not too poor to buy food. How easy to forget that bounty is not for everyone, is not merely a matter of a very busy supermarket and days of preparation.

How easy to forget that the contentious and argumentative and really frickin irritating family you gather with is a family, a connection to the world and the knowledge you are not alone. That the crying babies are babies, life itself, the continuation of love in the world.

How easy to forget that the cessation of work is because there is work, and the harvest is achievement.

Let us not look inside ourselves and find gratitude. Instead, let us be grateful for that which is right in front of us.

Happy Thanksgiving.

One comment

  1. Roberta Lipp says:

    The spinach thingy I made is gonna be awesome.