The geek at the next table

So I had lunch at Panera, and a guy at the next table is speaking in a deep, rolling Seth Rogen voice which is impossible to ignore, and I take a peek, and he looks a little like Rogen too. He’s replete with geek markers, from his grooming to his clothes to his mannerisms. And yes, I got all that from just a peek (plus verbal mannerisms). He appears to be in his early 30s, but I’m bad at that.

So it becomes clear very quickly that he’s talking about having seen Watchmen. And soon it also becomes clear that he doesn’t know the material. Hasn’t read the graphic novel. Is confused about the basic premise. And I’m thinking, what kind of geek are you? Not a comic book geek. Then he says he doesn’t know the name of the actor playing Rorschach. And I think, not a movie geek.

Then he starts talking about the trailer to the new Terminator movie, which he saw in Watchmen, and he’s got all kinds of details about that. So what is that? Highly specialized Terminator geek? Blow-things-up geek? I’m confused.

Geeks should know Watchmen. Just should.


  1. Daven says:

    Sorry to disappoint, but I score “irredeemable Geek” on all the Internet tests to measure such things, and I have no clue about the Watchmen except what I have seen on TV in previews, and what I have gone and looked up as a result of that.

    Plus Silk Spectre (both of them) looks HOT.

  2. OhKen says:

    I know not of Watchmen either…. but I’m about to. A co-worker just lent me the comic books….. the original release, in their plastic bags, with a box of non-latex, powder free gloves. I’m afraid to breathe on them….. 😀

  3. Deborah Lipp says:

    Carla Gugino has been hot for a long time. The other one is a newcomer, and not exactly a thespian.

    Go now and buy the graphic novel. You can skip the movie.

  4. Deborah Lipp says:

    Ken, I don’t know what put you in the spam folder, possibly the use of the word “latex.”

  5. Yvonne Rathbone says:

    Younger than 30 geek: comics were already a grown-up thing when he was a child-thanks to, among other titles, The Watchmen. Comics knowledge is replaced with knowledge of video games like World of Warcraft, Grand Theft Auto, and of course, Terminator.