Tuesday Trivia: Round Robin Actors

Today it’ll be a round robin, and it’s guess the actor.

I’ll start.

A historical bandit. A professional reader. A mentor to a younger spy.


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    Robert Redfort (Sundance Kid, 3 Days O’Condor, that movie with Brad Pitt).

  2. Deborah Lipp says:

    I couldn’t think of the name of the Brad Pitt movie either.

    You’re up.

  3. Tom Hilton says:

    Sorry…was tied up for a bit. Here goes:

    Queen, clairvoyant, suburban housewife on the run

  4. Bill says:

    “The movie with Brad Pitt” is Spy Games.

    The answer to Tom’s question is Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth or Elizabeth: The Golden Age; The Gift; couldn’t figure out the third).

  5. Deborah Lipp says:

    The third is surely Bandits.

  6. Deborah Lipp says:

    Bill, you’re up!

  7. Bill says:


    An insurance fraud, excessively neat, excessively grumpy.

    I’ll make it easier: In each of these three roles, this actor had the same co-star.

  8. Deborah Lipp says:

    Didn’t need the extra hint, it’s Jack Lemmon, co-starring with Walter Matthau: The Fortune Cooke, The Odd Couple, Grumpy Old Men.

  9. Deborah Lipp says:

    (1) He may or may not be an alien
    (2) He dies at the beginning and then we go back
    (3) He may or may not have a limp

  10. Tom Hilton says:

    Kevin Spacey. Don’t recall the name of the first movie; American Beauty; and Usual Suspects.

  11. Tom Hilton says:

    Card sharp; shoplifter; food writer.

  12. Evn says:

    Barbara Stanwyck?

  13. Evn says:

    (The Lady Eve, Remember the Night, Christmas in Connecticut.)

  14. Evn says:

    Thank you!

    A witch; a penguin; a witch.

  15. Melville says:

    Nicole Kidman (Practical Magic, Happy Feet, Bewitched)

  16. Bill says:

    Nicole Kidman (Practical Magic, Happy Feet, Bewitched)

  17. Bill says:

    Oops! Too late!

  18. Melville says:

    The President of the USA, a songwriter, an actor.

  19. Daven says:

    I feel like I should know this one. But I can’t identifiy the roles.

  20. Daven says:

    Wild stab in the dark. Kevin Kline

  21. Melville says:

    Hints: 1.It’s a fictional president
    2.A real-life songwriter.
    3. He plays an actor in 2 movies. One it’s a real-life actor, the other fictional.

  22. Melville says:

    Your stab is correct!

  23. Melville says:

    Does anyone want to guess the movies?

  24. Daven says:

    Wow. That’s… wow… Ummm….

    Okay, for mine:

    A lawyer, a football player, A bodyguard

  25. Daven says:

    The first movie is “Wild Wild West” playing Ulysees S Grant

    The third movie is Soapdish for one of them.

  26. Bill says:

    Dave, De-Lovely, and Chaplin.

  27. Evn says:

    Or Dave, De-Lovely and A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

  28. Melville says:

    Yes (Daven) and yes(Bill). I wasn’t thinking of Wild Wild West, but I guess it’s correct to say he was playing a fictional president when his character disguised himself as Grant.

  29. Daven says:

    @Evn, he wasn’t playing an actor, he was playing a miller who became an actor, although I guess it would count.

  30. Melville says:

    Point for Evn, too. Hadn’t thought of that, but he is playing Bottom, who is in a play.

  31. Daven says:

    Need hints?

  32. Melville says:

    I do. Too many lawyer roles, and I can’t think of any bodyguards besides Kevin Costner.

  33. Evn says:

    Daven, is the answer George Clooney?

  34. Daven says:

    1. in two of the listed roles, he was in the same sub-genre of Action movies.
    2. He played a football player in two separate films, one of which I’m watching right now. However, in the noted film, he was also a cop
    3. He had a talk show for a while

  35. Daven says:

    @ Evn. Nope. Sorry.

  36. Daven says:

    If it goes till 2:30 CT, I’ll call it and come up with another one.

  37. Melville says:

    Is it Jon Favreau (Rudy is on AMC right now)?

  38. Melville says:

    And would the other movies be Daredevil and Iron Man (superhero subgenre)?

  39. Daven says:

    EXCELLENT!!! Yes, that’s the very person.

    Guess the films? Rudy was not one of them.

  40. Deborah Lipp says:

    I think Mel is a special kind of a genius for checking TV listings.

  41. Melville says:

    Then would the football movie be The Replacements?

  42. Daven says:

    Yes, the Replacements is one of my all time favorite movies.

    Tag, you’re it.

  43. Melville says:

    I think Mel is a special kind of a genius for checking TV listings.

    I’m home today (caught a cold in yesterday’s snow), so I just had to turn on the TV and flip though the channels.

  44. Daven says:

    Deborah, I honestly thought that clue wouldn’t matter since Jon played a very minor role in there. He was only on screen about 5 times.