Actor trivia

1. Runs. Loves opera. Stays at the airport.
Solved by Christina (comment#1).

2. Flirts with the king. Is married to the head of the Secret Service. Is a nun.
1956, 1967, 1947
TIE: Solved by Hazel (comment #18) and Melville (comment #19).

3. Has trouble eating breakfast. Sells wands. Is arrested naked.
Solved by Bill (comment #8).

4. Dances. Is a famous author. Investigates a power plant.
Solved by Melville (comment #11).

5. Loses his memory. Strikes back. Is a beggar.
1942, 1934, 1944
Solved by Melville (comment #19).

6. Writes plays. Marries the mob. La-de-da.
TIE: Solved by Ben (comment #5) and Bill (comment #6).

7. Is a poet. Is stalked. Avenges Israel.
Solved by Christina (comment#14).


  1. Christina says:

    #1 is Tom Hanks. #2 is Jodie Foster?

  2. Christina says:

    I think #7 is Geoffrey Rush, but that’s more of a guess than anything.

  3. Evn says:

    Is #6 Michelle Pfeiffer?

  4. Ben says:

    #6 is Diane Keaton. I think Shoot the Moon was the playwriting movie. She married the mob in the Godfather movies. La-de-da was Annie Hall’s catchphrase.

  5. Bill says:

    #6 is Diane Keaton.

  6. Deborah Lipp says:

    Ben and Bill tie. The rest of the guesses are wrong. Something’s Gotta Give is the playwright movie.

  7. Bill says:

    I was late on #6, but perhaps I’ll get #3: John Hurt?

  8. Deborah Lipp says:

    Bill, you totally get credit on #6; you both clock in at 12:08. And you’re right about #3.

  9. Christina says:

    The playwriting one for Diane Keaton was ‘As Good As It Gets’ w/ Jack Nicholson.

  10. Melville says:

    #4 is Jane Fonda (They Shoot Horses Don’t They, Julia, The China Syndrome)

  11. Deborah Lipp says:

    Christina, Diane Keaton wasn’t in As Good As It Gets. You’re thinking of Something’s Gotta Give.

  12. Bill says:

    Having gotten credit for #3 (based on the “sells wands” clue = Ollivander in “Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone”), it took me a while to figure out that “Has trouble eating breakfast” = “Alien”. Is “Is arrested naked” from “Love and Death on Long Island” or from “1984”?

  13. Christina says:

    Gah! Yes. I didn’t care for either!

  14. Christina says:

    #7 is Daniel Craig (Sylvia, that balloon movie with the roommate from Notting Hill, Munich)

  15. Christina says:

    #5 is Harrison Ford (Regarding Henry, The Empire Strikes Back, not sure)

  16. Deborah Lipp says:

    #5 is not Harrison Ford. The balloon movie is Enduring Love.

  17. Hazel says:

    #2 is Deborah Kerr: The King and I, Casino Royale and (one of my favourite films) Black Narcissus (or Heaven Knows, Mr Allison)

  18. Melville says:

    # 2 is Deborah Kerr (The King and I, Casino Royale, Black Narcissus)

    # 5 is Ronald Colman (Random Harvest, Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back [had to IMDB that one], Kismet)

  19. Christina says:

    Is #2 Ingrid Berman?

  20. Hazel says:

    For some reason my answer to #2 was being held in moderation (though I have posted here before) and I’m definitely right now you’ve posted dates.

  21. Deborah Lipp says:

    Sorry about the moderation glitch. No idea why that happens.

    Bill, arrested naked is 1984.

    Hazel got #2 before the hint went up. Melville couldn’t have known that, so I’ll credit it as a tie; he answered in good faith.

  22. Hazel says:

    No problem. I thought I had broken your website when there were no replies after mine.

  23. Roberta Lipp says:

    Deb, couple of corrections:

    Christina’s answer for #7 is #15, not #14.

    La-di-da is misspelled.

  24. Deborah Lipp says:

    The numbers all moved when I restored the missing comments that were stuck in moderation.

    And I believe there are multiple possible spellings for la-de-dah. One of which has “fuck” in the middle.