Dream of speeding

I dreamt I was speeding. I have no idea what it means. I looked at my speedometer and saw it was at 170 mph. I had to work to get it down to 80, and when I looked it was up to 100. It was hard to slow down.

It’s weird seeing numbers in dreams at all. I’m sure this is deeply significant, but it eludes me.


  1. OhKen says:

    I can’t help it… every time I see your first sentence, I convert it to “I dreamed I was speeding in my Maidenform Bra”. Old commercials still rule my life……

  2. Deborah Lipp says:

    That’s awesome, Ken.

  3. Kathy says:

    In the most literal sense…

    …Do you really find it that hard to slow down?

  4. JohnR (from BoK) says:

    OhKen’s plus Kathy’s ideas =

    Everything that you’re doing for BoK plus the Los Angeles trip to the Mad Man set … your life IS moving much faster. Are you ready for this? Do you want it be a bit slower? Are you really REALLY excited?

    What excitement happened in your life when you were 8[0] and 10[0]? Do you feel like the kid you were then?

  5. JohnR (from BoK) says:

    …and 17[0] must have been been an exciting age also.

  6. Deborah Lipp says:

    The comment about the ages is fascinating, John.