Free Spirit Gathering

I will be attending Free Spirit Gathering in Maryland June 15-20 as a “featured speaker” (whoo-hoo!). This is one of my favorite events. I’ve been asked to present four (many!) workshops.

So what should I do? I have a list of workshops that I offer, although it hasn’t been updated in about a year. I could choose from that list, come up with new stuff, or a combination.

What would you like to see me do? What Deborah Lipp worskshops/classes/facilitated discussions/guided experiences would excite you? I am wide open here.


  1. Turok says:

    1) Gardenarian Wicca 101 for the Unititiated
    2) Elementals as Helpmates
    3) Sleeping Late as an Act of Worship
    4) Empowering the Elections in 2010

  2. Ben Gruagach says:

    How about “Parenting Pagan Tweens/Teens”? Or “Being a Pagan Parent of Tweens/Teens”?

    You must have lots of stories to share on the topic!