Sex is sacred. Therefore, have some.

Why is sex the only sacred thing that conservatives want you to do less?

Per Amanda, I learn that whacko nutjob freakazoid Dawn Eden wants sex to stay “a great mystery” (read: “about which you are uneducated”). Of course, she also doesn’t want you to have “casual” sex, or sex outside marriage, or sex with contraception, or sex in certain positions, or using certain parts, and certainly not using the same parts for both partners, and definitely not having more than one partner, and no the frick way having less than one partner, and not with devices and not during your period and probably if you’re a woman you also shouldn’t come.

So here’s the thing. We’re told that prayer is sacred, and so Christians pray often, every chance they get, in many different contexts. We’re told going to church is sacred, so Christians go often. Catholics especially just pop on by the big pretty building to light an extra candle. We’re told that giving charity is sacred, and so religious people of all stripes should give more, and more often. We’re told sex is sacred, and so we should…not have sex?

As they say on Sesame Street, one of these things is not like the other.

Ding Dong Dawn tells us that to encourage “demystification” of sex, to encourage knowledge and understanding, is “to deprive sex of its spiritual component.” She is wrong.

In Wicca we know that “all acts of love and pleasure” are Her rituals. Therefore, DO THEM. Do them often. Do them with love and pleasure; don’t leave out the love, don’t leave out the pleasure. Have fun. Use lube. Use toys. Did you ever try that? No, let’s try. Let’s have sex before ritual. Let’s have sex after ritual. Let’s have sex during ritual (given, y’know, sufficient privacy and intimacy). Let’s perform Her rituals when we’re married. Let’s perform Her rituals when we’re not married. Let’s perform Her rituals when we’re possessed of matching genitalia. Let’s perform Her rituals when we’re possessed of opposite genitalia.

Let’s do it. For the Goddess.

And for the rest of them, maybe they should consider implementing a sex policy consistent with their prayer and charitable giving policies. Just sayin’.


  1. Sarah says:

    Sing it. 😀

  2. Stephen Benson says:

    yeah, and sex can be political too, i am mixed race, my children are, therefore, mixed race, their children and so on. our intention is to joyfully fuck racism into irrelevance.

  3. deblipp says:

    You make a good point, although I’d like to separate sex from procreation, because the Right is very interested in making sure that the two have to always be associated.

    But if you saw the very cute pictures of my nephew, you might have noticed he’s mixed race (actually, all my nieces and nephews are mixed race), so I get what you mean. Creating new “races;” new genetic blends, fucks over the racist paradigm, and that’s all good.

  4. Amy says:

    Stephen, seen Bulworth? We need a “systematic program of racial deconstruction…everyone’s just gotta keep fucking everyone else ’til we’re all the same color.”

    What is it with prigs, such as our Miss Eden, thinking that they have to run the world? I never think I should tell Dawn what to do; shy is it that I’m totally fine with letting Dawn keep her mystery and so-called “spirituality” and her, let’s face it, probably terrible sex life?

    She’s got too much Yang. That’s the answer. The chick needs more Yin.

  5. deblipp says:

    As I keep saying, this is a religious freedom issue. When people talk about normativity, about heteronormativity, it might be useful to talk about Christian normativity. They see their morals as “morals”; not as their particular morals. They see other people’s morals as “immoral,” not as “other.” Ironically, it is the people with the most bizarre, fringe morals, even among Christians, who are most likely to take this attitude.

  6. […] And indeed, if you’re very clever, you can see we’re talking about sex again. Filed under: Paganism — deblipp @ 9:24 am […]

  7. Dan says:

    Why don’t we all chip in and send Dawn a copy of the Kama Sutra and a vibater along with a polite note sugesting that she gets a life.

  8. deblipp says:

    LOL! You first.

  9. Dan says:

    I still believe in that good old slogan from the 60s’ Make love not war.

  10. miko21 says:

    in a radical point of view, one can not separate sex from procreation. hence, sex is sacred when ones intention of having sex is to procreate. in moral realms, sex without the intent of procreating is evil. thus, people who are accustomed to have sex for pleasure is lower from the brutes who have sex to procreate.

  11. Deborah Lipp says:

    I see no logic to your position. One quite clearly CAN separate sex from procreation. The Goddess, as I quoted above, tells us “all acts of love & pleasure” are Her rituals.

    Masturbation is sex separate from the possibility of procreation. So is oral sex, anal sex, manual sex, sex after menopause, sex while using prophylactics, and gay sex. All of these are (or can be) acts of love and pleasure.

    Why is sex only sacred with intention of procreation? What is your definition of “moral realms”? It’s a pretty radical viewpoint. Most religious people would allow that at least some of what I’ve listed above is not evil.

    And frankly, I just totally disagree with your premise, which is unsupported and harmful to human life.