Apparently, I’m just never done with this Pledge of Allegience thing

Per Waveflux at Shakespeare’s Sister (who got it from Atrios) I learn that the normally wonderful Senator Barak Obama is courting the Evangelical vote.

The money quote:

“It is doubtful that children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance feel oppressed or brainwashed as a consequence of muttering the phrase `under God,'” he said.

Dear Senator Obama:

You don’t know fuck-all about what children feel. Just don’t. Turns out children are sophisticated and intelligent and capable of noticing all sorts of nuance for which you are apparently unwilling to credit them.

Secondly, it’s not about feeling oppressed. We don’t determine Constitutionality or civil liberties based on feeling. Women didn’t have to feel oppressed when they lacked the right to vote in order to deserve that right. Blacks don’t have to feel disenfranchised in order to need the Voting Rights Act. Fuck you and your patronizing and purposely distracting talk about feelings. Just fuck you.

And in response to those who suggest that “under God” is not specific to a religion, and is just generic, allow me to add that “God” is specific to monotheism. I don’t worship “God,” I worship Gods and Goddesses. “Under” is also a non-generic term, locating “God” in a “heaven” or other world above. The U.S. is not one nation under Gaia, for instance, but one nation all over the top of Gaia, sort of left-breastish.


  1. Roberta says:

    So, umm, you sent this?

    (PS even the dumbest dolts who can’t grasp the polytheism over/under argument can certainly grasp atheism. They just don’t approve of it.)

    Must put makeup on. 2nd interview. Need more coffee. PUSH BUTTON.

  2. deblipp says:

    Oh, as an actual letter? No, not. But I did trackback to his site, so, teehe.

    The atheism I left out on purpose, because Obama is specifically arguing PRO religion (thereby ANTI atheism). The dolt.

    Kaynahorah on the 2nd interview.

  3. Plin says:

    The U.S. is not one nation under Gaia, for instance, but one nation all over the top of Gaia, sort of left-breastish.

    Ha! That’s hilarious.

    It makes me sad that even someone like Obama either feels the need to pander, or (worse) truly doesn’t understand the problem.

  4. Barbs says:

    I pledge allegence to the disenfrancised States of America, and to the Oligarchy for which it stands, One nation, Oh My God! with Liberty for just us, and thats all.

  5. deblipp says:

    Barbs, that’s funny! That original?

    Plin…your first comment? Welcome!

  6. Barbs says:

    Its from Charlie

  7. Jaspenelle says:

    “sort of left-breastish”
    Seriously though I hate when politicians pull crap like that, someone must have beat the heck out of him with the stupid stick.
    On a slightly random thought, I wonder how much of the vote in the USA pagans make up…

  8. deblipp says:

    On a slightly random thought, I wonder how much of the vote in the USA pagans make up…

    Teens are our big growth area, but I’d say 1/2 million adults.

  9. Amy says:

    *raises hand*

    I felt “oppressed or brainwashed,” Senator. I felt oppressed AND brainwashed. To the point where I wouldn’t say the pledge. To the point where I’d sit down after the first part: “I pledge allegience to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which is stands (SIT).”

    And I’m not a bad American. This has nothing to do with patriotism. This has to do with FREEDOM.

    The god of “Under God” isn’t real. As far as I’m concerned, this is a fact and I’m standing by it.

  10. paula says:

    Deb, I wish you could find the words to express yourself.
    You’re so shy & retiring…
    (ducking and running)…..

  11. deblipp says:

    this is a fact and I’m standing by it.

    Or, y’know, sitting by it.

    (Sorry, that exact joke was told about me for YEARS.)

  12. konagod says:

    Hi Deborah,
    I mainly just wanted to stop by and say hi. I’ve always been a huge James Bond fan and I knew what your blog title was in reference to even before I came here. Then I caught the wiccan thing and realized “Damn, I may have to add her to my blogroll.”

    Someday I’ll do a post on one of my history course electives in college: History of Women in Witchcraft. Probably the only course I ever really needed to take!

  13. deblipp says:

    Welcome, konagod.

    The title was my son’s idea, but I was thrilled to steal it from him. My first choice was “Mine is an Evil Laugh” but it was taken.

  14. foxydot says:

    When I was 10, I felt oppressed that I had to stand there and recite anything that early in the day.

  15. deblipp says:

    Yeah, even Obama admits that kids are “muttering.” He seems okay with the fact that they don’t care, or don’t get involved, or don’t understand, or sleep through it.

  16. Dan says:

    I saw part of a movie one time set in the Mcarthy era where a kid was supposed to recite the pledge in class who instead raised his fist and began singing the Internationale at the top of his voice.

  17. […] final thing: Obama is not my candidate. Nonetheless, the little dance he did on Oprah kinda turned me on. Mea culpa. Filed under: […]