Tuesday Trivia Time

Movie trivia for the aficianado. Please play whether or not you suck.

1. His suitcase contains (among other things) a baseball cap, a copy of Fortune magazine, and an old copy of the book Curious George.
Solved by Daven.

2. Her pickpocketing is aided by a pair of false arms attached to her dress.
HINT: This 2002 movie had a controversial shot of the Twin Towers.

3. A Russian agent sleeps with his contact, then decodes a note reading “Kill her.”
HINT: The Russian agent is played by a future James Bond, and his contact is perhaps best known for her role as a snake-charming stripper.

4. He is angry that his wife doesn’t want to go out in public wearing her own hair.
HINT: The primary location makes up the title of this movie about immigrants.
Solved by Melville.

5. He returns a stolen motorcycle by telling the owner it needs gas.
Solved by Ken.

6. He spends most of the movie unsuccessfully trying to give his beloved roses, and finally hits on a unique solution.
Solved by Ken and Daven.

7. A ghost enlists the aid of his friends to annoy his wife with late-night movie watching.
Solved by Ken.


  1. Ken says:

    5. [b]X-Men[/b]

    6. [b]The American President[/b] “It turns out I own a Rose Garden”…..

    7. [b]Truly, Madly, Deeply[/b] (a delightful film)

    Am I too greedy for answering 3 of them?

  2. Ken says:

    Aw crap….. I screwed up the bolding again….. dammit!

  3. Daven says:

    1: Forest Gump

    6: The American President

  4. deblipp says:

    Not greedy, Ken.

  5. Roberta says:

    Okay I’m late but I knew some.
    I love Truly, Madly Deeply.

  6. deblipp says:

    And we are very proud of you, Roberta.

  7. Tom Hilton says:

    How about a compromise: Ken gets to guess as many as he wants, but not until, say, 7 am Pacific time.

  8. deblipp says:

    Tom, good idea.

  9. Ken says:

    #3 has got to be a Bond…. but I don’t know which one. Guess I need to buy that new Bond book I’ve been hearing about…….

  10. TehipiteTom says:

    OT: Congratulations–you’re a finalist in the Weblog Awards, 8751+ category. 🙂

  11. deblipp says:

    Holy cow, you’re kidding!

  12. Melville says:

    Is #4 Hester Street?

  13. deblipp says:

    Excellent, Melville, just under the wire! (I’ll post answers tomorrow.)

  14. Barbs says:

    # 2 I know this movie, I have seen tis movie, but I cant put my finger on it
    my wild guess is the royal tenenbaums

  15. […] 1. His suitcase contains (among other things) a baseball cap, a copy of Fortune magazine, and an old copy of the book Curious George. Forest Gump. (Solved by Daven) […]