Fight the War on Yule

There’s a war on. Whenever someone says “Happy Holidays” to you instead of “Glad Yule,” threaten to sue. If someone displays a Nativity and the Lord is not properly Horned, file a complaint. When Santa is connected to Christmas rather than Yule, protest vigorously.

Rally about, folks! The War on Yule must not succeed!

[The preceding was brought to you by the Department of Righteous Sarcasm. If your sense of humor has not been upgraded recently, your page may not have displayed correctly.]


  1. Cherizac says:

    Christians as a group, having had a majority in the Western world for so long, think that they’re first and right; and even worse, most of them don’t even know their own religion beyond the first three dogmas.

    Many of those I’ve talked to are HORRIFIED that the Christian holidays were merely bastardizations of pagan holy days to try and sway the populace towards Christianity.

    I very much enjoy your posts, Deborah. I hope you don’t mind if I wander over now and again.

  2. deblipp says:

    Please wander as often as you like. 🙂

  3. Tom Hilton says:

    ROFL! I’m going to march right down to Target and demand they start wishing us “Glad Yule”.

  4. Ken says:

    LOL! I’m gonna start running around pasting horns of Lords in Nativity scenes……

  5. deblipp says:

    Also, Mary should be naked. 🙂