Edwards Campaign Musn’t Succumb to Swiftboating

I was so impressed when John Edwards decided to hire two of my favorite bloggers.

Predictably, they’re being swiftboated. Story here and here. Now there are rumors that Amanda & Shakes are going to be fired (story here and here).

So, here’s what I wrote to the :Edwards campaign:

Dear Senator Edwards and staff:

I would be appalled if you allowed the excellent bloggers Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan to be swiftboated off of your campaign.

Bill Donohue has long taken bigoted and anti-Semitic stances. He is the last person who should be dictating Edwards campaign policy.

Please know that I am still in the process of evaluating which candidate I will vote for in the Democratic primaries. A candidate who caves into far-right smears and pressures is not one I will support.


Deborah Lipp

Write with your own (polite) words of support.


  1. Oh, Come on, really! Swiftboating? Comparing two bloggers to a Presidential Candidate is a bit of an exaggeration don’t you think?

    The only thing that these two bloggers and the swiftboaters have in common is that both had their past come up and bite them in their proverbial asses.

    What is that biblical reference again … You reap what you sow?


  2. Amy says:

    Not an exaggeration at all. When the right-wing smear machine gets going, it’s all the same old shit, no matter who you are.

  3. Amy,
    What was said about both Kerry and these two bloggers in true! You can put whatever labels on it you want and “blame” whomever you like but it is still the truth .. It isn’t like someone went to Pandagon and wrote those entries claiming to be Amanda. And regarding Kerry, he is lucky that the swiftboaters got there first because the POW/MIA families were following along in their wake and would have done even more damage than the Swiftboaters.


  4. Amy says:

    Hon, you link to Malkin. I’m not even gonna try to argue with you.

  5. Tom Hilton says:

    A Proud Infidel
    Technorati Rank: 1,702,984 (2 links from 2 blogs)

    Um, yeah…I can see why.

  6. Molly, NYC says:

    Marc – You’re utterly full of crap about Kerry. He did what he claimed to have done in Vietnam, as vouched for by the men on his crew.

    The counterarguments were offered by some jackoffs who have pretty much done nothing with their shriveled little lives since the 70s but throw mud at Kerry.

    You want to argue about his positions, fine, but his war record is as advertised. What’s yours?

  7. OMG! You guys are just too funny! His war record is as advertised? Well, once he releases his military records to the press which he promised to do, oh what a year ago? Then we will talk about “as advertised”. He threw medals over the fence of the WH and then later in his Senate office the medals are on the wall. When asked he stutters and says that the medals he threw weren’t his, they were a symbol and on and on. Three purple hearts in 4 months in a combat zone?

    You want some reading, here is some reading for you on John Forbes Kerry …

    http://www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnkerry.org/ Watch the DVD Stolen Honor interviews with former Vietnam POWs tell of how Kerry’s antiwar activites directly effected their captivity.

    http://www.missingpresumeddead.com His debacle as Chair of the POW/MIA Senate Select Committee in 1992 which lead to the normalization of relations with Vietnam. Oh! And did I mention, that his cousin, not 3 months after the Committee ended received a lucrative real estate deal in Vietnam.

    And my personal favorite ..
    The story behind 19 US Servicemen who, through investigations from the Senate Select Committee, were discovered to have been actually CAPTURED by the enemy. The families were never made aware of this information and it never made it past Kerry’s Chief iof Staff who made sure it never saw the light of day.

    Happy Reading!!!


  8. deblipp says:

    And besides what Amy & Molly have said, tell me how these two bloggers’ “past” is “biting them in the ass”? They express opinions and therefore should be fired? Are conservative candidates equally beholden to fire campaign workers who have expressed opinions, or is it OKIARDI?

  9. oddjob says:

    What was said about both Kerry and these two bloggers in true!

    I have been reading and commenting at Shakespeare’s Sister from about six months after its inception. If you think Melissa McEwan is anti-Catholic, you are in no position to be offering opinion on much of anything.

    At least, not if you want to be taken seriously.

    She’s anti-pedophile of course, and she’s anti-paterinalistic intolerance, but so are the vast majority of American Catholics, who by large margins think the Vatican’s stances on some of their most cherished taboos are loopy.

  10. I see you have your our form of censorship going on here, niiiiice. Obviously a safe place for open dialogue and issue-engaging debate. You might as well put a disclaimer on the Home Page, “Only those who agree with the position of the poster will be heard, otherwise expect your comments to be modified as the webmaster sees fit.” How Democratic of you!


    Oh and OddJob – Just a little FYI – the expression guilt by association covers both bloggers here. “If you lay down with dogs, you will wake up with fleas.” Hopefully a lesson you should have all learned from the Clinton/Lewinsky Scandal. (let’s see how many hours pass before this gets posted)

  11. deblipp says:

    Marc, I haven’t touched your comments in any way. You are just plain lying about that. If I was correcting your language, I would certainly do something about your use of unnecessary capitalization, but I have not.

    Marc, you should know that automatic spam filters block any post with more than three hyperlinks. That’s pretty much universal. Your own blog probably does the same thing. I block over 300 spams a day. Yours was in the hopper.