Totally demoralized

There are days when my political interests yield exciting responses. There are colorful days full of such adjectives as “explosive,” “outraged,” and “livid.” (Livid is especially colorful. Really—you should see me.) But this is just totally gorram demoralizing.

I mean, if there’s any chance that, ever, you’ll be sick, or hungry, or old, or, I dunno, stressed out, then you are humped in the dark nasty place. So bend over.

Sigh. I’ll think about that tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.


  1. Barbs says:

    Yes, they want this while allowing “guest workers” to come in and do the jobs “Americans refuse to do” Its not that we refuse to do them, but we refuse to do them forthat pay under illegal working conditions.
    Most folks would gladly pay a little more, and if only corporations were a bit less greedy.

    I know this sounds hoaky, but please write to your congressman, and senators and demand Bush’s Impeachment.
    Jimmy Carter says Americans were duped

  2. deblipp says:

    Okay, I see that the labor issue is important, but I don’t see the connection to the Medicaid, food stamps, and healthcare cuts. All the Repugs have to do is rescind some of the massive tax cuts given to the nations wealthiest 0.1% and the 35 billion saved by dicking the poor would be regained easily.

    Oh, and don’t bother writing Senators about impeachment; impeachment must be handed down by Congress. Write your Congressperson.