Bet higher

My father used to say that if you always win at poker, you’re not betting high enough.

This is one of my favorite sayings. It’s applicable in all sorts of situations. In magic, you find all sorts of people who hedge their spellcasting bets, who won’t risk their karma, or risk being wrong, or risk failure. And thus there’s all sorts of good work that never gets done. As Isaac says, the Gods gave us our magic well knowing we’re mortal, and there’s nothing admirable about refusing to put your ass on the line.

The saying applies to politics as well. Why has Feingold got only one co-sponsor to his censure resolution? The Democrats are hedging their bets. To a (wo)man, they’re making sure they don’t bet too high, and they’re doing it even when there’s a pair of aces in the hole.

I admire Howard Dean. He bet high and lost on the flop. His comeback as chairman of the DNC is earned, because he took the honest risk instead of playing it safe. I admire Al Gore less. He says ballsy things, but not during his Presidential campaign, only from safe retirement on the assurance he won’t run.

What I want to see is the Dems listening to my father’s advise, betting higher, losing some, and winning bigger. I don’t think they’re listening, though.

One comment

  1. Debra says:

    Beautifully put. This from a poker player for the last 20 years.