Llewellyn does a good deed

My publicist at Llewellyn is a cool guy named Steven Pomije. He’s good to work with and I like him.

So I got a little thrill when I read on The Wild Hunt Blog that Steve was involved in a political/educational action, working to have Pagan materials included in the distribution of “religious” materials in a North Carolina school district.

Jason did a good interview with Steve here, but I thought I’d throw in a couple of questions of my own.

Deborah: How has Llewellyn reacted? Do you feel you were supported at work?

Steve: Yeah, 100%. At first I was worried, but in fact I was commended.

D: People are saying Llewellyn did this just to make money.

S:That’s just not at all why I did it. Never even occurred to me. It was a matter of seeing this community [in North Carolina] that apparently didn’t see all the Pagans around them. I did it to push the issue a little, but really to educate.

I wish it were planned. We could have made it work that way. But no, I did it to educate. I’ve always been politically active.

Steve went on to talk about how he wished more Pagans were politically involved, how he wished they saw that, in the current political climate, being Pagan is inherently political. He talked about how working with Pagan authors has changed him and how connected he feels to Paganism and the community. He said that whenever a Christian program is slipped into a school or community, it’s Pagan tax dollars (among others) paying for it.

Go Steve!

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