What’s that odor?

I wake up to morning news on WCBS AM. (I find that if I wake up to music, there is considerably less “waking up” involved.) I am often bemused by how conservative a CBS station is—you know, the network of Dan Rather and all that. But today takes the cake.

Yesterday, I woke up to the story of the NSA tracking millions (!) of American phone calls. CBS presented me with two “person in the street” voices (for “balance”), one was mildly concerned, the other was a man saying “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about” (only with a New York accent) (moron) (y’think his name was Winston Smith?).

So today, the headline is that everyone is exploding about these revelations, both ordinary people and politicians. This time, three sound clips:

  • The same moron saying he had nothing to hide (presumably they could only find one person that stupid)
  • A politician (sounded like Hastert, can’t be sure) saying that breaches of national security (i.e. the story itself) were of grave concern, and
  • A woman with a Hispanic accent saying she was concerned about her privacy.

Your lesson, boys and girls? Real Americans think this is okay. Suspicious brown people with accents worry about (sniff, snort, hehehe) “privacy”.

That funny odor you smell is the Constitution burning.


  1. Dawa Lhamo says:

    You’re just saying that because you’ve got something to hide.

    A *real* American knows that that Fourth Amendment is unpatriotic.


  2. Ken says:

    Yeah – a “Real American®” wouldn’t mind the government opening all his mail, recording his phone conversations, installing a keylogger on his comuter, and having that little camera inside his TV looking out because it’s all done in the name of “Fighting International Terrorism®”….. And you know that you can trust the government to keep your secrets, after all they’re the same people who threw the President’s schedule in the trash for a “Sanitation Engineer®” to find the other day, and who outed an undercover CIA officer to trash a political opponent…….

    9/11! 9/11! 9/11!

    There, now it all makes sense…….

  3. Angela says:


    Love your blog by the way.

  4. Dan says:

    I think someone should have told Chicken George to look up the word democracy in the dictionary before he started to bring democracy to the rest of the world.

  5. deblipp says:

    It’s so crazy I want to bang my head against the wall. Thank goodness I blog instead.

  6. Roberta says:

    It just leaves me feeling so sad.

    And it’s not the constitution you smell. It’s the marshmallows. Contented citizens sitting around making s’mores. Feeling all kinds of nostalgic.