Thank the Goddess

I am very, very glad that the FDA advisory panel has approved the HPV vaccine. But I must say, it is bittersweet to be happy about something that truly should have been a given.


  1. Daven says:

    …andI’m a bit leary of this.

    It’s a breakthrough, and a very necessary one. That this is needed is not in contention, but this is MERK we are talking about, the people who brought you VIOXX. They have a reputation for sweeping inconvienient facts under the rug in their studies, just to sell a product.

    If my daughter turns 18 and wants the vaccine, well and good. Until then, or until it’s proven to my staisfaction that it’s safe, I don’t think so. 😉

  2. deblipp says:

    That this is needed is not in contention

    Tragically, you are wrong. The Focus on Family wingnuts are fighting this vaccine tooth and nail, because they think it promotes promiscuity. That’s right, the “pro-life” people think it’s okay to die of cervical cancer if you have Teh Sex.

    The news I hear is that the vaccine is most effective if administered before the girl becomes sexually active; the FDA is recommending age nine.

    This isn’t the chicken pox vaccine we’re talking about. This is a vaccine that could save four thousand lives a year.

    Here’s a good article on HPV, the vaccine, and the wingnut opposition.

  3. Daven says:

    Sorry, that should be “that this is needed is not in contention [by me]” because I was about to start objecting to it.

    Yes, this is a breakthrough. I would like to see if the product is safe for long term since this is MERK who is producing it. THAT is my point.

  4. deblipp says:

    I understand your concern about Merck, although I don’t actually think any Big Pharma company is much better or worse than any other.

    I don’t know a lot about the testing this vaccine has gone through. I do know that cervical cancer is a particularly horrible death; difficult to detect, sudden, and a rapid killer. Wham, you’re gone. I think Gilda Radner and Madeline Kahn, among others, would have been happy for the vaccine.

  5. Roberta says:

    Deb, I agree about with you on big pharma. And as evil as they can be, they also get a bad rap; there are risks and side effects to everything, they do make sure they tell us. And when you are in pain, whatever that pain is, be it physical mental or any kind, you start off by saying you will give your right arm for it to stop.

    Until you lose your right arm.

    I knew I could have died or had serious complications from my weight loss surgery. I risked it. And let me tell you, I would have been really pissed off if I had died. And so would you and mom. And the kittens.

    Oh, Gilda …

  6. Roberta says:

    …and Madeline

  7. deblipp says:

    Yeah, I would have been FURIOUS if you’d died.

    But Daven has a point. Merck absolutely knew about the cardiac risks with Vioxx, and absolutely buried the information.

    But we’re not talking about a quality-of-life drug here (which is what Vioxx is). I say again, four thousand dead women every year. That’s worth more benefit of the doubt than with a quality-of-life drug.

  8. Roberta says:

    K. Sorry Daven, my bad.