It’s Banned Books Week

Pandagon reminds me it’s Banned Books Week.

Here’s a reminder to conservatives: Allowing for the idea of banning books doesn’t mean that books will be banned in ways you approve of.

My step-father was not allowed to read the New Testament by his parents. Of course, he burned with curiousity and read it secretly. Despite his parents’ fears, he did not convert to Christianity as a result and remained a Jew until the day he died. Sometimes he even davened.

The Christian majority, of course, is so concerned with banning occult books that they forget it’s a two-edged sword. But freedom of thought benefits all of us, and there is no freedom without knowledge.

One comment

  1. Dan says:

    Actualy I wish some of the occult books had been banned before I wasted my money on them.
    But all jokes aside attempting to ban books only encourages ignorance and is about as effective in the age of the internet as trying to stop the tide by yelling halt.