Things that happen to pressure cookers

Here’s my take on the whole Foley thing: It’s not a coincidence.

It’s not a bizarre coincidence that the co-chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children is also a pedophile. And it’s not just a coincidence that it’s mostly (not exclusively, but mostly, and by an impressive margin) Conservatives who are being knocked down like tenpins by sex scandals. Yeah, part of it is that power corrupts, and the consolidation of power that has increased dramatically in Washington these past five years has been massively corrupting, particularly of Conservatives.

But it’s not just that. It’s that it’s built into the system.

When you suppress, suppress, suppress, you create a pressure cooker. Pressure cookers only do the one thing, yet everyone is all suprised by the explosion. In terms of psychology, you generally only suppresssuppresssuppress when you have something serious that needs suppressing, and you generally only blame everyone else for being a perv when you need to avoid blaming yourself. It’s called “projection.” Look it up.

These Conservative freaks with their constant and intense fascination with Teh Gay and Teh Sex and Teh Dildoes, who want to make laws about my bedroom and yours, my marriage and yours, my orgasm and yours, what do you think is on their minds? This morning, while I was deciding if I should go back to using an alarm clock, and thinking about a writing project, and making coffee, and thinking about t-shirts (I swear by the Goddess, I was thinking about t-shirts), the Foleys and Dawn Edens and Santorums and Fred Phelpses of the world were thinking about gay gay naughty gay sex with boys how naughty how gay I must write a column to denounce that oh look I have a woody.

That’s how it works.

Two things: (1) If you’re a sick motherfucker, you have a higher tendency to denounce everyone else for being a sick motherfucker. (2) If you have natural, normal urges, ’cause you’re, lemme think…human, that you suppresssuppresssuppress, those urges, when inevitably expressed, won’t be expressed in the nice, normal way they started.

I’ve written about this before. Suppression is not only a bad model, but it’s had a good long test run, and people should have figured out by now that it’s not working.


  1. Evn says:

    I completely agree; in fact, Yvonne and I came to the same conclusions just yesterday.

    This also gives me the motivation to stop fixating on Laura Mallory.

  2. deblipp says:


  3. Amy says:

    I totally agree. Supression has gotta be behind all this crap.

  4. Roberta says:

    Btw, I really thought this post was gonna be about cooking.

  5. deblipp says:

    Btw, I really thought this post was gonna be about cooking.

    LOL! I have never used a real (non-metaphorical) pressure cooker. I’m not even sure I’d recognize one if it was sitting in my kitchen.

  6. Roberta says:

    Yeah I was all, Deb’s got a pressure cooker? Maybe she means a crock pot?

  7. Seymour says:

    And it never works, does it? But it spreads like a disease (conservatism spreads like a disease).

    I am happy that the black and white world they’ve created clearly places Foley and his lietenants in the “bad” box.

    But how about preventing pedophila? Wouldn’t THAT be responsive legislation?

    But, oh yeah… they don’t do treatment… neither pro nor retroactive.

    They suck.

    And their’s is a disease that needs treatment.

  8. Cyndi says:

    Suppresion can be useful for those of us who need it, but when over suppressed the lid will blow. So I guess I’m saying to anyone who reads this, take off your lids to see whats making you boil before it’s too much to handle, trust me I KNOW