Hittin’ the Road, Jack

At ohgod o’clock on Sunday morning, I leave for Starwood, as I do every year about this time. I will, of course, take notes for the third annual “things you hear only at Starwood” post.

As usual, Tom will be guest-blogging. I’ve also left behind some posts of my own to keep you entertained.

Think warm, dry thoughts!


  1. Molly, NYC says:

    May you have an absolutely terrific time.

    (Rant: A complaint about pagans in general (and which doesn’t apply to you): As a group, pagans are lousy spellers. The Starwood Web site–which someone otherwise took a lot of trouble over–places it near beautiful Lake Chautaqua. It’s Chautauqua, but with pagans, you’re lucky it wasn’t “cat..” Come on, folks. If you’ve got computers, you’ve got spell-checkers. )

  2. Paula says:

    i r not a lowzy speller. gud pagunz haz spell chek. (joke, get it?)

    Deb, no heat related problems this time, okay? Hydrate, drink lots of fluids.
    Go sit in the shade, get in the pool.
    Will we see you when you come over this way?
    And is there a new book of yours we don’t have?
    Get in touch if you can.

    Paula & John

  3. deblipp says:

    I’ll call you Paula. New book isn’t out until fall.

    Molly, are you suggesting there’s a group of people who aren’t lousy spellers?

  4. Barbs says:

    After a relaxing day with my father ( total and complete boredom) I will be on the road about 3 hours ahead of you. We can’t wait and will give you a call on the road