I lost last week

I lost The Kite Runner review (which I can get back, because I cross-posted at IIRTZ). I lost Cat-Blogging. I lost the Sunday Meditation, which was one of the best things I’ve written in ages, and which I’d planned to save for a book I’m writing. Plus two or three posts I’d written and saved for the future, including a really fabulous one about a conversation with my mother.

Since my web host does a daily backup, I don’t worry about backing up my posts. In fact, he told me not to bother in so many words. Because of the backup. But his hardware somehow ate a week’s worth of backups. They’re all corrupt and cannot be restored.

I’m more than a little upset. And this effects the James Bond blog as well (same host). I actually lost more writing, more pre-saved posts, over there. Did I mention upset? I just can’t believe…I mean writing is what I do. In some ways, it’s what I am, and to see it die…

Oy. No trivia today. Can’t deal.


  1. Tom Hilton says:

    Wow, that really sucks.

    I wondered what was going on. I came here and saw the ‘solutions’ post and thought “damn, they’re all solved before trivie is even posted”…then noticed it was last week’s. And I knew you had posted since then.

  2. Evn says:

    I’m so sorry this happened.

  3. Cathy says:

    Check your email, and check google’s cache for the James Bond posts. Sorry it can’t help with the drafts though.

  4. deblipp says:

    Cathy, thank you, I’m thrilled.

  5. Barbs says:

    You might be able to find it on waybackmachine.com