Expect the unexpected

This morning, I opened the top of the Mr. Coffee to put a clean filter in…

and Delirium was inside.

My first reaction, before I realized what it was, was AGH!

My second reaction was to eliminate the cats as suspects.

Apparently I live with a Merry Prankster. It is so unlike Arthur to play little tricks in the house that I’d almost suspect my friend Dave of stopping by to do it, but Dave would never have read my blog or Facebook.


  1. OhKen says:

    Ummm…… check your underwear drawer….. 😀

  2. treecat says:

    You can run but you can’t hide, from Delirium ! 🙂

  3. wiccan says:

    Hi, could You answer for my question that I asked before?

  4. wiccan says:

    Thank You for answer. I see, I have statue of Shiva and next to Him Durga and Ganesha. But there is small statues of Them because my altar is especially for Shiva. But my question was can I have two, three statues of same God on altar?

  5. Deborah Lipp says:

    For Wiccan ritual, it is traditional to have one God and one Goddess.

    But there is nothing stopping you from having a separate altar in your home to Shiva. Many people have many such individual altars.

  6. wiccan says:

    I have altar like that, but I don’t know is it good to have on this altar few statues of the same God, for example- Shiva Nataraja and Shiva Mahayogi in one altar.

  7. Deborah Lipp says:

    Wiccan, FORGET about the old monotheistic way. Pagan Gods are not jealous gods.

  8. wiccan says:

    Yes, I know but we cannot understand each other 😀 Maybe I don’t know how to explain this. It’s just practical thing. If I worship one God on one altar, should I have few images of him or one? Because I can have figure of Shiva and also image of Shiva but I don’t know is it good. For example, I want to give him milk and I don’t know should I give milk only one image of him? It sounds stupid, I know…

  9. Deborah Lipp says:

    Wiccan, you should be asking Shiva this question instead of me. 🙂

  10. wiccan says:

    Ok, thank You for answer 😀