I have found God

By “God,” I mean the old-fashioned God of the Torah and the Christian Bible, the God of my childhood. And by “found” I mean, I know who he is. Which, even if I don’t believe in Him, is still pretty cool.

If you think about the God of your childhood, most of you will agree that he is unquestionably male, but in a non-threatening way. Masculine but not…butch. Probably celibate, even.

In appearance, I think dignified gray hair is a must, and He is certainly tall, with excellent posture. His voice is deep and mellifluous, authoritative and yet comforting.

The attitude, though, is all-important. God is smart, of course, but more importantly, God is kind. He sure and commanding. He loves all of those in his care equally, loving us when we succeed and when we fail. Even when we squabble among one another, even when we are disrespectful to Him, He loves us.

Like a good parent, God doesn’t take sides, is proud of and respectful towards His children, gives us the room to make our own mistakes, but attempts to correct us before we go too far.

In short, God is Tim Gunn.

And we are all His designers.


  1. Yvonne says:

    Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
    I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my TIM GUNN, in whom I trust.”

  2. Hah! Wow, I needed that =p

  3. Albiana says:

    Who else but Tim Gunn/god could reveal to each of us the hidden wisdom of “Make it work!” and “Carry On!”

    He is the fountainhead of equal parts compassion and concern, encouraging mankind towards vivid self-expression tempered with judicious self-editing!!

    Yep. I agree wholeheartedly with you.

    What’s more, I suspect Santino, Christian and Austin may be part of his heavenly host. Maybe.

  4. Evn says:

    Verily do I prostrate myself before His divine altar. And by all that is holy do I vow to Make It Work.

    That said, God knows a good photo op when He sees one. Check it out.